Thread Lift (Nonsurgical Facelift) in Walnut Creek, CA

Age, gravity, sun exposure, and genetics all contribute to changes in the face over time. As the dermal structure weakens, sagging and droopy skin can cause a worn and fatigued appearance, and the face tends to lose its youthful definition. The shifting of fat deposits and weakening of supporting structures can also create disharmony between facial features, making you look older than you feel. The MINT lift is a highly advanced nonsurgical procedure designed to lift areas of the face and achieve a naturally refreshed and younger-looking contour.

The MINT thread lift offers an alternative to facelift surgery for patients looking to restore their skin and facial structure to a more youthful contour.

What Is a Thread Lift?

The MINT, or Minimally Invasive Nonsurgical Thread, is a type of thread lift designed to help restore the youthful structure and shape of the face. The procedure targets the mid-face, jowls, forehead, and eyebrows. It works by gently pulling and raising soft facial tissue to create a more defined appearance.

The MINT is a state-of-the-art, sterile, absorbable suture made from PDO (polydioxanone); it is non-allergic and non-antigenic.

MINT uses bi-directional, molded barbs to anchor the soft tissue and secure it to the desired position. The barbs are also arranged in a 360-degree helical configuration, which increases the anchor’s strength. This helps to lift the skin in a 3-dimensional fashion.

Compared to other thread techniques, MINT’s anchoring strength allows for a better, more visible hold and transformative improvements to your facial structure. Since the MINT is composed of PDO, the thread is entirely biodegradable by hydrolysis. As these threads gradually dissolve, they help to stimulate collagen production.

How Can a Thread Lift Help Me?

Lift Sagging Skin

A thread lift can address mild to moderate skin laxity in the mid-face. This can help reduce the appearance of age and expression-causing wrinkles.


Enhanced Defined Facial Contours

The MINT lift restores a smoother, more proportional, and aesthetically pleasing facial aesthetic by correcting droopy skin and repositioning fat.


Stimulate Collagen Growth

As the threads dissolve, they stimulate collagen growth. This strengthens skin and helps prevent future wrinkle formation over time.


How Is a MINT Thread Lift Performed?


During your consultation with Dr. Kim, she will analyze your facial proportions and design a MINT treatment plan based on your unique anatomy and aesthetic desires. The procedure will be different for each patient, depending on their targeted treatment areas and cosmetic goals.

This thorough process, combined with her surgical precision and expert artistic vision, helps her deliver personalized and natural-looking results to her patients.

The MINT lift is performed as an in-office treatment under local anesthesia. Small incisions are made within the hairline to avoid any visible scarring, and the threads are carefully inserted into the target areas to anchor and elevate the skin. The versatility of the MINT technology allows for a highly customizable treatment, as the length can be adjusted for different areas of the face.

Thanks to its innovative technology, the MINT procedure can improve multiple areas of the face, including the:

  • Cheeks
  • Forehead
  • Eyebrows
  • Jowls
  • Chin
  • Jawline

Combination Procedure

A thread lift may be combined with some of the following nonsurgical procedures:

What Should I Expect After My Nonsurgical Facelift?


Each patient’s recovery period will vary, depending on how their face adapts to the threads. Some patients feel comfortable returning to work immediately after the procedure; however, it is crucial to discuss this with your physician first.

To ensure optimal results, Dr. Kim gives each patient detailed post-operative instructions. Following these aftercare directions will allow you to get the most out of your MINT lift.


Immediately after the procedure, you should expect some soreness at the anchoring sites, including the temple area and behind the ear. You may experience some facial swelling and bruising, which should subside within five to seven days.

Dr. Kim generally recommends that patients begin taking pre-procedural arnica to help reduce swelling and bruising.


You will notice improvements to your facial contour immediately after the procedure. The results will continue to improve over time, with optimal effects becoming visible after six to 12 weeks. The MINT lift improves contours but also highlights where volume replacement is needed. It is common for patients to undergo dermal fillers to achieve the ideal balance.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Thread Lift

Q. How much does a thread lift cost in Walnut Creek?

Your thread lift cost will vary depending on the extent of treatment. Dr. Kim will provide you with a personalized quote following her evaluation.

Q. Am I a good candidate for a thread lift?

The MINT lift is suitable for adults who live a healthy lifestyle and have maintained their weight for at least three months. This procedure can benefit those who have experienced a loss of shape and definition in the face due to sagging skin and shifting fat deposits. This may occur due to age, gravity, or sun exposure.

Thanks to its versatile technology, the MINT lift can be adjusted to meet your needs. Whether you want to shape your jawline or lift your cheeks, this treatment can help you achieve your ideal facial aesthetic. During your consultation, Dr. Kim will evaluate your medical history and health to determine whether the MINT lift is a suitable option for you.

Q. How do I prepare for a thread lift?

During your consultation with Dr. Kim, she will review your medical history to ensure no issues interfere with your treatment or results. Generally, she advises against the consumption of alcohol for one week before undergoing the MINT lift, as well as taking aspirin, NSAIDs, and herbal medications.

If you are a smoker, Dr. Kim advises discontinuing smoking for at least one month before and after your procedure, which can significantly increase the risk of complications.

During your consultation, Dr. Kim will walk you through the pre-procedure requirements and how to care for the site during the recovery process.

Q. How long does a thread lift take?

A thread lift procedure usually takes between 30 minutes and an hour, depending on the complexity of the procedure.

Q. What makes the MINT thread lift unique?

Compared to traditional thread lifts, the MINT uses molded barbs (shaped like an arrow and arranged helically) to anchor and position the skin tissue. This unique configuration is achieved through a patented molding-press technology used during the manufacturing process. Combined with its 360-degree rotation, this thread has some of the strongest lifting and pulling capabilities of all non-invasive thread lift options.

Q. How long does a thread lift last?

The MINT lift’s robust, durable threads can raise and hold the skin for up to 12 months, though some patients may require a MINT booster after six months. Dr. Kim will work with you to determine the frequency of treatments required to maintain and achieve your desired look.

Q. Are there risks associated with thread lift procedures?

All procedures, both surgical and nonsurgical, carry a certain amount of risk. Although a MINT lift is not a surgical facelift, it is still minimally invasive.

Common side effects include:

  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Dimpling
  • Infection
  • Skin discoloration

Consulting an experienced surgeon like Dr. Kim will significantly reduce the risk of complications occurring.

Q. Why choose Dr. Kim?

Dr. Kim is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon with an in-depth knowledge of facial anatomy. She draws on highly developed, clinically-tested techniques to minimize risks and achieve satisfactory results.